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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: General Coordinate Invariance, The TGD counterpart of ordinary general coordi- nate invariance (GCI) implying holography: to given 3-surface one can assign unique space-time surface apart from possible degeneracy analogous to gauge degeneracy, Strong form of GCI allowing both identifications of particle as 3-surface implying effective 2-dimensionality: particle corresponds to partonic 2-surface plus 4-D tangent space data at it equilvalent with strong form of holography, the interpretation of space-time surfaces as analogs of Bohr orbits so that "Bohr orbitology" becomes an exact part of quantum theory, The TGD counterpart of ordinary general coordi- nate invariance (GCI) implying an identification of elementary particle, "Bohr orbitology" becomes an exact part of quantum theory meaning that the usual path integral picture about quantization of GRT does apply, effective 2-dimensionality: particle corresponds to partonic 2-surface plus 4-D tangent space data at it equilvalent with strong form of holography such that the orbit of partonic 2-surface is a light-like 3-surface at which the signature of the induced metric changes from Minkowskian to Euclidi- an so that the induced 4-metric is degenerate, The TGD counterpart of ordinary general coordi- nate invariance (GCI) implying the interpretation of space-time surfaces as analogs of Bohr orbits, The TGD counterpart of ordinary general coordi- nate invariance (GCI) implying classical physics as space-time dynamics becomes an exact part of WCW geometry and quantum physics, holography: to given 3-surface one can assign unique space-time surface apart from possible degeneracy analogous to gauge degeneracy possibly assignable <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mrow> <mtext> to a subgroup
of conformal 
acting at
boundary </mtext> </mrow> </math>, an identification of elementary particle as space-like 3-surfa- ce at boundary of causal diamond (CD), GENERAL COORDINATE INVARIANCE IN TGD UNIVERSE 2. Strong form of GCI allowing both identifications of particle as 3-surface, GENERAL COORDINATE INVARIANCE IN TGD UNIVERSE 1. The TGD counterpart of ordinary general coordi- nate invariance (GCI)